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What More Can I Do?
May 22, 2024

We all love having ABA Therapy. I know I do! ABA therapy improves our child's life and as caregivers we are striving to do what is best for them.  By putting their needs first, I constantly find myself asking the question 'what more can I do?' I'm sure you've found yourself asking this question too.

Well... for Training Tip Tuesday we wanted to discuss a tip about helping your child get more out of their ABA therapy!

Did you know that insurance companies now require BCBA’s to spend some session times training the parents and caregivers? With busy lives, a household to run, and often other kiddos to attend to, this may sound overwhelming.

However, the success of any ABA Therapy program depends on our families getting involved. Children need consistency and the best way to offer that is to carry the ABA techniques taught by providers over to family life after they leave for the day.

According to Heather Gilmore with Behavior Innovations,

"Parents who participate in ABA parent training will be supporting their child’s success in:

  • Treatment services
  • Learning important skills such as self-care, toileting, and following daily routines
  • Generalizing and maintaining skills they have learned
  • Demonstrating appropriate, functional, and effective behaviors
  • Having healthy and enjoyable relationships"

These are just a few of the benefits an involved caregiver enjoys!

The easiest and often overlooked technique we as caregivers can use with our kids is high energy positive praise . Kids naturally want to please, so when they know we are happy with a behavior they want to do that behavior again. Catch them being good as the saying goes! So practice positive praise, even praising the simple things makes a big difference. 


Please reach out to us to begin this critical step to success. Relax and dive in. You are your child’s most important teacher.


Gilmore, Heather. "Parent Training in ABA: Why.      Parent Involvement is Critical for Success."          Behavioral  Innovations, 24 September 2020,,toileting%2C%20and%20following%20daily%20routines.

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