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Ready, set, learn!
May 22, 2024

Well, it's that time again! The dog days of summer are coming to a close and school is just around the corner. Back to school brings structured routine, extracurricular activities, homework, friends, and more. While there is a lot of excitement, starting school also brings change which can be hard for any child.

So, for Training Tip Tuesday this week, here are a few tips to help you child transition from summer to school year!

#1 Simplify School Supplies

We've all seen the poppit notebooks and sparkle filled glitter glue. While these items might be fun, I suggest keeping school supplies simple. Some of the more extravagant supplies on the market are distracting for a learning environment. Remember, our supplies are meant to be tools to support learning. Keeping toys and sensory objects separate helps your child stay focused on the task at hand!

#2 Establish a Bedtime Routine

If you’ve been relaxed with your summer bedtime routine enjoying later nights and sleeping in, start now with your school scheduled bedtime routine. Giving your kiddo a few weeks to adjust will smooth the transition and eliminate the additional stress from being over tired.

#3 Talk About the Day

Start talking with your child about their school day and what that will look like for them. Even if they went to school last year, having conversations helps your kiddo set expectations, know what to expect, and express any concerns or questions. The more comfortable they are, the easier this transition this will be!

#4 Attend Open House

Be sure to attend your child’s scheduled open house! Doing so allows your kiddo to see where they will sit, where they will learn, and what their teacher will look like. Many kids are visual learners so seeing the actual classroom ahead of time will do a world of good with easing any anxiety.

#5 Tell the Teacher

Communication is key! Talk to your child’s teacher about your specific child’s needs. Do they have a sensory object to help them throughout the day? Do they tend to fidget a lot? Maybe your kiddo brings a little stuffed animal to help them with comfort. These are things the teacher needs to know and understand to best support your child.

We want to help make the back-to-school transition as smooth as possible for your family! For tips like these, please contact us and a behavior therapist would be happy to answer any questions. We are here to support you through every phase of life.  

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