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Having a Special New Year's
May 24, 2024

I think one of the saddest days of the year is December 26th. The realization that Christmas is a whole 365 days away is enough to give anyone the winter blues. Maybe that is why we celebrate the new year with bright sparklers, delicious food, and colorful fireworks!

New Year's Eve poses unique challenges for those with sensory processing disorder, and other special needs. Loud fireworks, bright lights, and large gatherings can lead to overstimulation and explosive behavior. Since the day is quickly approaching, we wanted to offer some training tips to make your day fun for the whole family!

#1 Planning Ahead

Everything goes smoother with a solid plan in place. Take some time to structure your day and jot down ideas. Are you celebrating with family or joining up with friends? Staying home or going out? Will there be food available for picky eaters? Decide what time you want to want to start and end your celebration. When some guidelines are in place, share the plan with the rest of the family so everyone is on the same page.

#2 Early Preparation

Get things prepared ahead of time! This will alleviate additional stress for you and your family. Consider food, decorations, and activities, etc. Reevaluate things that may cause sensory overload and escalate to crisis.

#3 Think about Triggers

Consider the environment where you will be and the possible triggers. Even if you stay home, there will likely be loud noises from neighborhood fireworks and bright lights. Be prepared with items that will help your child cope. Noise cancelling headphones, ear buds, or sunglasses are all great options to minimize stimulation. Bring quiet activities such as a favorite blanket, soft toy, or something to fidget with. Think about a safe space your kiddo can escape and deescalate if needed.

#4 Inclusion

Your child wants to feel included with the rest of the family. If breaking your night - time routine is not a good idea, celebrate earlier! This is your New Year's Eve so create your own traditions with an earlier evening, counting down to noon, or even morning activities. I've never really enjoyed staying up until midnight, so my traditions are different and suited to my own needs and wants. Which is totally ok! You do what is best for your family.

#5 Be Flexible

Even the most meticulously thought-out plans can go out the window. And that is alright too. Remember not to put too much pressure on yourself, do your best and try to be flexible with whatever happens. Any tension or stress not only makes you feel miserable but creates difficulties for everyone involved. Take deep breaths and know it will all be ok!

We hope you have a great New Year enjoying time with family and friends, because at the end of the day that is what really matters most! Be happy and find the joy in life's little moments. If you have any questions, please reach out and I'd be more than happy to help answer them.

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