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5 Ways to Catch More Zzz's
May 22, 2024

It is Wednesday! Happy middle of the week everyone. Normally we post Training Tip Tuesday on Tuesdays (hence the name) but we were having technical difficulties uploading yesterday. So, here we are today better late than never!

Last week we talked about different ways you can help your kiddo get ready for school. One of the ideas mentioned was establishing your earlier bedtime routine. This week we wanted to go into a little more detail about how you can do that with ease!

I know it is tough for kids to get to sleep at night. This is especially true for kids that have anxiety, autism, and other disabilities that affect their sleep. Not enough getting sleep affects the entire family and causes stress for everyone involved. Some kiddos need to be seen by a medical professional or may need formal sleep studies to help with chronic restlessness and inability to sleep. However, the tips below can help establish a better sleep routine for kids with sleep challenges.

#1 Avoid giving your child stimulants such as caffeine (4 hours) and sugar at (least 2 hours) before bed. Biologically, our bodies naturally wind down with the sunset and stimulants such as caffeine or an erratic sleep schedule disrupt our circadian rhythm. By avoiding stimulants, we are working with our bodies' natural mechanisms instead of fighting against them!

#2 Establish a regular nighttime routine. And example could be to give your child a bath then read a story and put them to bed at the same time every night. Children thrive off consistency and a regular routine will help their body adjust.

#3 Help your child to relax before bed by reading a book, giving a gentle back massage, or turning on soft music.

#4 Wake your child up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This goes back to the circadian rhythm thing. Waking up at the same time every morning will prompt our bodies to relax and fall asleep at the same time every night.

#5 Offer your child something that helps to calm them throughout the night. This may be a favorite stuffy, a nightlight, a favorite pet in their room, soft background noise like a fan, or all of the above! Having that security item with them all night will help your kiddo fall and stay asleep.

It is really hard for busy families to maintain a routine so be patient. Implementing some of the above strategies is better than nothing. Start with one or two and build from there. Consistency is the key to this strategy so don’t give up!

While these tips will help, "if your child suffers from a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea, sleep walking, sleep terrors, restless legs syndrome, he may need a referral to a sleep specialist. Some children with persistent insomnia will need further behavioral or pharmacological treatment to improve their sleep." (1)

Contact us for more information about helping your kiddo establish a better sleep routine!

(1) Sleep | Autism Speaks,

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