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4 Ways to Stop Being a Pushover Parent
May 24, 2024

Another Tuesday another Training Tip! Raise your hand if you've ever told your child they had to finish their vegetables to get a cookie? Or they would lose their toy for throwing a tantrum? But when the rest of the family is having dessert, or your kiddo is finally playing independently its hard to stand strong.

For this week, we wanted to focus on the importance of following through. Many times, we are guilty of making empty threats with the hopes of getting our kiddos to listen. Children, being ever so clever, learn very quickly if you say what you mean and mean what you say. When there is lack of follow through, kids will learn they can continue to test our limits. Sound familiar? These simple but important tips are for you!

#1 No Means No.

When you say no, stick with it! Kids need to learn that our words can be trusted. Sometimes we get into a rut of saying no immediately, regret it and we don't enforce the "no." If this is the case, follow through with the "no " statement for now. Then wait around 20 minutes until you see your kiddo being good and reward them with what they originally asked for. It's a win win!

#2 Wisely Pick Your Battles

Kids are always learning. The way they view the world, and their priorities are different than ours. Children think differently and have important things to them that we don't even think about. It's part of growing up. When your kiddo wants to make choices, let them! Maybe they want to mismatch their clothes or wear boots instead of sneakers. Whatever they are choosing, allow them to make their own choices. It's not worth the battle to force what we want every time, so save those battles for when it is actually important. Our children will learn that we intervene when it's necessary. If we choose a verbal battle, then we need to win it. Not by yelling louder, rather, by showing our kids we are calm and in control. Stick to our words making sure those words are honest.

#3 Mix it Up

Have a fun break, day or night. Just as kids need structure, some days they need a break. Give it to them! Pick a fun day, maybe each week or twice a month, where some of our rules can go on the back burner. Cereal for dinner? Sure! Movie night in mom's room? Yes please! Sleep in the couch cushion fort? Now we are on a roll. You can even call it a fun name like "backwards day" or something silly.  Rules are a necessary part of structure and routine, however, give your kiddos a break from their rules every once in a while. Your kids will love it and so will you!

#4 Consequences

When we are upset, we want our kids to know it. We tell them if they don't straighten up, privileges are lost. Often this is occurring during an emotional crisis aka 'tantrum,' and although we are serious, this is never the time for punishment. Kids can't immediately control their emotions once they have escalated. No matter how much we threaten to take things away, they still escalate. It's an unfair advantage on our part. When your child is on this emotional roller coaster and you're losing patience as well, don't try to teach or preach. Don't threaten. Instead, work on calming yourself and your kiddo. Once you're calm, then the necessary consequences can be discussed. Remember, we are the adults. It is our responsibility to teach our children how they should act when they are mature enough to handle it!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. We are more than happy to help you with anything your family needs!

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