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4 New Year's Resolutions... and no it isn't Losing Weight
May 24, 2024

We are nearing the end of the first week of 2024! And with every new year comes New Year's resolutions. Personally, I love making New Year's resolutions. It is a time for me to reflect on the past year and think about how I want to progress in the future.

Some people (like myself) really enjoy the process of planning and goal setting. Others prefer to go with the flow, seeing where life's journey takes them. Whether you are writing in your brand-new planner or rolling your eyes at the annual ritual, there is something valuable for you in this post.

Every year we hear the same resolutions.

"I'm finally going to go to the gym"

"This year, I'm getting that promotion"

"I'm going to learn a new language"

"It's time to start eating healthier"

Or wake up early. Or travel. Or stop procrastinating. You get the gist.

And while these are great goals, there are so many other things to consider! Especially when you are the main caretaker of a special needs child, it can be hard to manage priorities and keep everything straight. That's why we wanted to recommend some resolutions to consider that will make your life easier in the long term.

#1 Increase Your Learning

They say that knowledge is power. And while this is true, I think it goes a step further. One of my favorite quotes from horse trainer Clinton Anderson says 'frustration begins where knowledge ends.' I've seen this happen so many times in my life. This year, consider gaining extra knowledge to empower you and your child.

#2 Spend Quality Time

We get it. As primary caregiver, you have so much on your plate. Doctor appointments, therapy, IEP meetings, and general advocating for your kiddo. Not to mention other family members in the home and personal responsibility too. With the hustle and bustle of life, how often are you able to spend quality one-on-one time with your kiddo? Maybe you are doing fantastic already! Or there could be room for improvement. Whatever the case may be, giving individual attention is the best thing you can do to help your child. Research shows spending quality time will improve your connection, strengthen attachment, and build a foundation for other things to build off of - including compliance and cooperation!

#3 Make Things Fun

It is so easy to get caught up in the mundane parts of life. Day in and day out, it all starts to blur together. If you let this go on too long, it becomes your whole life! Now, I'm not saying make every day a crazy new adventure, but a little variety never hurt anyone. Consider ways you can add spice to your family's 2024. Maybe you can start a new tradition, learn a new skill, take on a challenge etc. Even something as small as trying a new recipe is enough to bring some excitement. Work to incorporate any fun and simple things y'all can look forward to!

#4 Take Time for You

We've said it before, and we will say it again. You can't fill another's cup if yours is empty. As much as you want to give until you can't give any more, that won't do any good. Take a step back and see if you are lacking in anything mentally, physically, or emotionally. Maybe you need some quiet time, more physical activity, or to learn a new skill. Whatever the case may be, taking some time to check in with yourself will help you go much further than you thought you could.

Any other resolutions you are working on? We would love to hear about them! Reach out anytime with comments, questions, or concerns. And if you do work on these, we would love to hear how they go :)

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